Saturday, November 10, 2007

Giving Thanks

I got to thinking about family today and about publishing my first novel. The two are intricately woven into my fiber. I'm not sure I can adequately capture the depth of the one and its affect on the other. So many writers talk about how everyone told them they couldn't or that they had no talent. My story is quite the opposite, when at fifty, I told my family I was quitting my day job, to write a novel - all I heard was the sounds of their encouragement. And then after the book came out all I heard was "send me some books to sell to my friends." They didn't even expect "freebies" each member paid me for each book.

My number one fan is and continues to be my wonderful husband, who, from the first time he read my writing encouraged me to make it my career, and the day I picked up the phone to end a 20 year career in research, told me to go for it. Then there is my daughter, who stands by me and cheers me on, selling books to all her friends and coming to all my readings and signings. She read through early versions of the book and made some invaluable comments that helped the book to be even better and she continues to believe in me as I work on my new novel. Next comes all my brothers and sisters, nieces, nephews and cousins who have all bought and most of them read, my book. The emails have poured in telling me how much they enjoyed the book and encouraging me to keep putting pen to paper. Friends all over the country have taken the time to leave messages of congrats. Some have even taken the time to write reviews on for me. All of this outpouring of support has bolstered me as I learned to navigate the world of publishing which can be quite daunting and darn right soul-crushing at times. On those days, I replay those messages or read the reviews, take a deep breath and keep writing.

So this Thanksgiving, I know what I am most grateful for - each and every one in my cheering section, who with little knowledge of my skill as a writer, encouraged me to write on. I will write on to honor their belief in me and to show appreciation for the incredible gift I've been given. Thank you all.


Anonymous said...

Even the littlest bits of encouragement and support are so important for a writer, and it sounds like you have a wide net of love as your base. What a nice thank-you you have given them here. And congratulations!

LynnOst said...

I've had exactly the same experience of support from family and friends, especially from my husband who encouraged me for years to devote my time to writing fiction--long before I actually did it. You've done a great job of explaining how important this support is. Thanks for reminding me.
Lynn Osterkamp

Kathy Leftwich said...

How could you lose with a cheering section like that! And I'm sure they aren't the only ones enjoying your work!