Thursday, December 6, 2007

My Oprah Moment

In an earlier blog, I mentioned "my Oprah moment" and said I would explain later. Well, here it is:

My niece (we'll call her Kathy) who lives in the Chicago suburbs had a friend (we'll call her Amy) who knew one of the stage managers at the Oprah show so she asked me to send a couple of books, which I did. So my niece gave the book to her friend, Amy, who gave the book to the stage manager. Many months went by and nothing was heard. Then one day, Amy called my niece, Kathy, and the conversation went something like this:

Amy: I received a thank you note with $5.oo in it. I am going to give you the $5.oo back.
Kathy: What do you mean, you got a thank you note?
Amy: Yes, I got a thank you note from ... who wrote that book?
Kathy: My aunt
Amy: Well, I think she said she was your aunt's mother in the note. It said something like "thank you for getting my daughters book to the Oprah show".
Kathy: That can't be, my aunt's mother, my grandmother, has been dead for over 20 years.
Amy: Yes, yes it was and I want to give your the money back.
Kathy: Did you save the note?
Amy: No, I tossed it.
Kathy: How about the envelope or did you see the postmark?
Amy: I think the postmark was Wisconsin.

My niece, Kathy got chills, her grandmother (my mother) had lived in Wisconsin prior to dying. I got chills as she retold the story and so has everyone else in my family. I can't explain it and don't even try. I just want to believe that somehow my mom is watching and this was her way of helping me. I have missed her these 20 some years.

Well, even though the idea of communication from the beyond is a long shot, I like to think it's possible and maybe, just, maybe Oprah will get a message from the beyond and I will be telling this story on her show someday.

Happy Holidays

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