Monday, April 30, 2007

Hot Salt Sisters

Wow, what a weekend we had. I attended a women's wilderness weekend that included rafting, hiking, writing, painting and relating. The setting was incredible, nestled between Fishers Tower and the Priest and the Nuns formation in Utah. The blues in the sky blossumed above us while the red dust coated our feet and souls. A huge thank you goes out to Sandy Dorr and Martha McCoy - our guides to higher artist achievement. Kellie and Ashley were great boatswomen and cooks - thanks for keeping us on schedule.

An amazing thing happens when women gather, the core of the earth splits open and the truth pours forth, gently, compassionately, humorously, and a plume of hope rises to the wisps of clouds floating over the desert. I want to pay homage to the raw courage of the twenty-two who attended. You are amazing. I carry within me images of woman as survivor, creator, reviver, embracer, jester, singer, wordsmith... Because of you, I find myself rejuvenated. My energy soars in the hot salt sand and searches the horizon for another refueling station. May we meet again to share, sing, laugh, live.

As a writer, we need to refuel often. The bills, children, spouses, health issues, finances, agents, publishers, and our own inner critic all deplete us. It's important to find those opportunities to fill our cups and drink deeply. I recommend any writers workshop conducted by Sandy Dorr. Go online to I will also be conducting a writer's workshop in Ridgway, Colorado on June 2, 2007. For more information go to

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