Thursday, April 5, 2007

Authors and Thick Skin

First off, I heard Anne Lamott read and discuss her latest book, Grace (Eventually) last night at the Tattered Cover in Denver. She was fantastic - very witty, raw and honest just like her books. I drove 4 hours across the mountains to see her. I am indebted to her because without Bird by Bird I would not be a published author. I am glad I did - it was well worth the cost of gas and my nervousness in driving in Denver.

On to thick skin - boy you better develop it if you step foot into the book industry. Having had a successful career in research, I am unaccustomed to rejection but am becoming more and more familiar with it each day. I am trying real hard to not have it reduce me to a puddle on the kitchen floor but some days I lose the battle. I spent most of the 4 hour drive yesterday fighting back tears from having had my book event rejected by a major bookstore. It seems since my book has not sold at this store they do not want to do a promotion to achieve that end. Its a catch 22 - I am just expanding my marketing plans to include this area so that the book will sell however since it hasn't, I can't. My marketing has been local until now due to the fact that I am a small press with limited funds. My book has been well received locally and so I thought it was time to expand - the catch is that since I don't have a regional or national appeal yet, so I can't get anyone interested in hosting an event. But if I don't host events, people won't hear about my book. I guess I will look to new venues to host my events. Anyone with some suggestions is welcome to reply.

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