Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Psychology of Book Signings

I have been waiting for my thought on this subject to coalesce prior to launching into a blog but I have decided to venture forth in my confusion. First, I will distinguish the event by separating the famous, well-known authors from the rest of us barely, slightly and moderately known authors. Jenna Bush is on a 25 state book tour and I am guessing she is not having problems with drawing people to her book signings. However, for the rest of us lesser known authors they can be akin to a root canal. Why is that? I have many hours to ponder this questions as I sit at my table in the Barnes and Noble or other bookstore waiting for a human to approach. I have Dove chocolates and a big smile to greet them with but they buzz by my table making a wide berth as though I had a contagious disease. Have we eschewed human contact in favor of virtual relationships as was discussed on NPR today? People blog, join social networking sites and IM in cyberspace but won't approach a real person to talk thoughts and share experiences.

I am just as guilty. I have been in bookstores during book signings for an author I had not heard of and made a point of avoiding the area where he/she sat. I had gone to the bookstore to sip a latte and immerse myself in a book. I was in search of a solitary experience. Plus, it's a bit intimidating to approach someone whose book you have not read and have no idea if you would be interested in it. What if it happens to be a book about the last amoeba standing, how do you politely extricate yourself? I have bought many a book I really didn't want just because I am too polite to say so.

One thing for sure, advertising is key. As is creating an event rather than a static book signing. I held an event in a small town in Colorado and drew a good crowd because I billed it as a discussion around writing and publishing books rather than a book signing. I sold a book to almost everyone present so it works.

So is the day of the book signing coming to an end? I would love to hear from other authors and those who attend or shy away from these events.


Rosemary Carstens said...

Booksigning--ah, yes, troubled waters for sure. It's such a crapshoot for a writer. You get all prepared, get out of your pink fuzzy slippers you live in in your office at home, do with such great expectations and nervous trepidation. And then, when you arrive, there is only one man sitting there--and you soon realize he's waiting for his wife to come out of the ladies' room! While I think book signings are a necessary part of marketing our books, you are so right when you say that people will come out for a topic they want to hear before they'll come out to hear someone read. I wish you so much luck with your book, Patrice, and with your booksignings--may they be filled to overflowing and your popularity never cease! Rosemary Carstens,

Anonymous said...


Thanks for vsisting my blog The Populist Publisher and leaving a comment. Yes independent publishers, self-publishers, and small publishers have an image probelm that we need to work to change. As for booksignings, I've done one locally and have another scheduled nearby, but I haven't even tried to set up others. I can't imagine getting a large crowd in a place where no one knows me -- unless I could get my book reviewed in a newspaper there, which is unlikely for a self-published author. I wish you well with your signings and hope you sell lots of books.

Lynn Osterkamp

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