Tuesday, May 29, 2007

River Rafting and Gnats

So what the heck do river rafting and gnats have to do with writing? A lot. Words are like that, you know. Sometimes they flow at 13,000 cfs and sometimes they hover in the air and bite once in a while. I find each day is new when I pick up my pen. Somedays I get muscle cramps because the words come so quickly I can't hardly keep up and other days I am struggling to pick them out of the air and have them take up residence on the page. What is that all about? Is it hormones, biorhythms, lunar cycles, a bit of undigested beef???? Who knows. It is what it is, so go with the flow so to speak. On days that you are plucking them out of the air like an amateur guitarist, don't get frustrated, just let them come in fits and starts and when they are flowing, well happy days! I believe every book writes itself and so the its rhythm may not be your rhythm, relax and let it happen. Happy days!

1 comment:

Rosemary Carstens said...

Loved this entry and the previous one about age. You have a good attitude. I'm older, too, and in many ways feel like I've finally been set free. After years in a man's world of real estate development, I finally realized I had lost myself somewhere, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life being passionate about books and art, and a few other fun things and adventures thrown in to spice things up even more. There's not a lot of money in it, but boy howdy does it beat the old life in so many ways! Thanks for writing -- Rosemary Carstens